Prenatal classes – February- March 2024


Together with other couples we will go on a road to discover the changes in emotions and relationships entailed in becoming parents. The classes will increase your confidence about what to expect during pregnancy, labour, birth, breastfeeding and the weeks following birth so that you will feel confident in making informed choices for yourself. We work with groups of max. 5 couples or duos, so there is enough time and space for questions and interactivity.
We also introduce you to the basic Dutch terminology regarding pregnancy, birth and baby care that are used by your caregivers (hospital, gynaecologist, …).

For who?

Pregnant women with partner or companion. The ideal time to start is around your 5th or 6th month of pregnancy.


  • Tuesday February 27, 2024
  • Tuesday March 5, 2024
  • Tuesday March 12, 2024
  • Tuesday March 19, 2024
  • Tuesday March 26, 2024

From 7.30 pm till 9.30 pm


  • Lesson 1: Pregnancy – brief discussion of past experiences, further course of pregnancy … 
  • Lesson 2: Work – progress of labour – relaxation exercises and different positions during labour …
  • Lesson 3: Childbirth – birth progress – positions …
  • Lesson 4: Breastfeeding …
  • Lesson 5: Postpartum – information about mother and baby after birth …


The personal fee for the entire class is 150 euro. The other part is paid directly by your health insurance.


Monday evening from 7.30 pm until 9.30 pm


When you subscribe, the subscription is for the 5 lessons. It is not possible to take only a few lessons. If you are unable to attend a class, this will not be refunded (unless you can provide a doctor’s certificate).
It is also not possible to take 1 lesson with another group.

Do you prefer another date?


dinsdag - 27/02/2024


19:30 - 21:30


De Bakermat Leuven
Tervuursevest 242C, 3000 Leuven


Helaas, deze workshop is volzet.
Inschrijven is niet meer mogelijk.

Afspraak maken?

Bel 016 20 77 40
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